Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hw. 11 . Iaasc Mao's blog at

I picked the blog to research on. I picked this one because in the reading MacKinnon said that it was the only blog that was written in English and in Chinese. This made me feel that they were encouraging Americans to read this blog. From what I can see most of the blogs were about computer problems, environment and the Chinese culture. There were also pictures on this blog as well. Mackinnon states on pg 328 of Kline and Burnstein that many people have gone to jail for things they say on websites. This makes it very difficult for Chinese bloggers to just feel free and say what they want. I think that is a major difference in our culture compared to the Chinese culture, considering we have so much freedom in the United States. Mackinnon also states that a lot of journalists in china are starting to look at blogs first to get their stories. A lot of journalist in the United States do this as well.

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