Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hw.13 Blogging Helps the Business World

In my opinion I think the impact of blogging for business is way more important than the impact of blogging on communication that is not business. In Burnstein and Klines reading there are many examples of how blogging helps businesses find things out about their workers, and put information about their companies out there for people to see. An example of is one of Google’s employers mark Jen blogged about his first days at the company. He started blogging about information that he should have not been. He got fired two weeks later. This helped Google get rid of a bad employee. Another example is that companies can set up videos and editorials on what they are all about. GM uses blogs as well to get past the main stream media. Steve Rubal who works for CooperKatz & co is one who pushes people into the blogging world. He jumped in one day and it really took off great for his company. “I became a living guinea pig for what I preach” Rubal says. These are many examples of how blogging helps the impact for business.

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