Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hw 16 B: Five Pillars

Robert Scoble believes that there are five main pillars of conversational software that made blogging hot. To start off Scoble talks about something called RSS which is the technology that corporations should pay more attention to than even blogging. (Kline and Burstein 130)RSS stand for "really simple syndication" which basically just means it allows a blogger to offer his Weblog for people to subscribe to, as well as to integrate links and news from other websites. This is where the five pillars come in. the first pillar is called “ease of publishing” in order to have a blog that people want to use you need to make it easy and simple for them to use the blog. The second pillar is called “discoverability” you need to make your blog noticeable, you need to make it easy for people to discover. Make it interesting and well liked by everyone. The third pillar is “cross-site conversations” make it so you don’t have to stick to one topic. Make it so that people aren’t sacred to change the topic. The forth pillar is “permalinking” which will make it easier to bring me directly to a post. And the fifth pillar “syndication” This helps you see a large number of sites. This helps you out when your blogosphere starts to get bigger.

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