Wednesday, October 17, 2007

hw 22. Virginia Woolf

I strongly agree that England is a patriarchy from Virginia Woolfs reading “A Room of One’s Own.” In this reading the think that made me strongly think England was a patriarchy was when the girl hung herself it seemed like they were happy and that the world would be better without her. Another example is on pg 29 its reads “wise men never say what they think of women? Wise men never say anything else apparently….. What is so unfortunate is that wise men never think the same thing about women. The reading talks about how men don’t think anything of women and how they are not as important as men. They wonder if they are even capable of things such as education. When I looked in the newspaper this past week I was actually surprised to see the newspaper showed many stories of both sexes. There was the movie section, sports section of both male and female, there was also a job section. None of these topics in my opinion were headed in the direction towards male or female. I think it was actually pretty equal.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

I believe that the actress was hung as part a film stunt; she wasn't committing suicide. Also, make sure to carefully indicate what sections of your text are quotes (or paraphrases)--and when you've got a quote within a quote, you must be especially careful.
On page 29 Woolf quotes Samuel Butler's caution that "Wise men never say what they think about women." On the contrary, Woolf observes: "Wise men never say anything else apparently" (29).