Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hw 23 Feministe

“With apologies to Virginia Woolf” I choose the blog line Feministe which can be found at to write about. Feministe to me is a very good thing because it shows that the mainstream media is showing feminist bloggers in action. This is a huge step for me because I’m not used to seeing women being treated equally. Of course there is a downside to this blog. I must say that this blog is defiantly an improvement but yet it still shows that there are still many things used against women. First it explains that the blog focused mostly on the activism and blogging of white mostly-middle-class mostly-heterosexual feminists. Than it says that younger feminists don’t really know what they are talking about and that there not focused on the right things. This topic really gets me mad because me myself being a young feminist I no fist hand that this not true. I think that people need to give women a lot more credit than they already do.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

Alex, you're ahead on the homework--that's very admirable!
This assignment asks you to write not only with a feminist perspective as Woolf does, but in her style of writing as well. This seems more like your own style of speaking and writing.